Friday, 12 September 2014

Sisters Red Review

Sisters Red by Jackson Pearce

“I am the only one left to fight, so now I must kill you.”

Sisters Red is a fairytale retelling of Red Riding Hood and is the story of two sisters; Scarlett and Rosie March and their friend Silas. Every since an Fenris/Werewolf killed the March sister’s grandma and physically scarred Scarlett seven years ago Scarlett, Rosie and Silas have been hunting the Fenris.

With a scar running from temple to cheekbone and others all over her body Scarlett is a fighter. With the attack haunting her in her sleep Scarlett spends most of her days training and hunting trying to get rid of her urge to kill all the Fenris. Rosie is the younger sister and feeling over protected from her sister, Rosie’s waiting for the chance to go hunting solo. That is until Silas comes back into her life and she’s thinking of a life outside hunting.

I really liked Scarlett’s character, she was strong and now she knew about the Fenris she stopped at nothing to protect the ignorant. Scarlett can’t help feel jealous of her sister and other girls who have perfect unscarred bodies but I like how her jealousy and bitterness never stopped her from protecting people. It shows how good of a person she is.

I did like Rosie’s character but she was really bland especially compared to Scarlett. Also I like how she went through a lot of trouble finding herself because though she owed her sister for saving her life, how much of being her sister’s shadow and sacrificing what she wants can she owe to her sister. However most of her story was focused on her love/relationship with Silas and compared to Scarlett’s story this was boring.

Another thing I disliked about the book was that there wasn’t enough going on and it felt like Rosie’s chapters were there just to drag the book along. Also who the prospect was easy to guess and so the only thing actually happening in the book was the trio killing and hunting Fenris’s.

I liked the sister’s bond throughout the story, it went through a lot of tough things including Scarlett’s urge to kill Fenris’s and Rosie’s want for freedom. I also liked how the ending fit the book really well.

Also there’s this mini story told to the sister’s and it’s about a brother and sister and their grandma and I really liked the simple yet meaningfulness of the story and how each sister held their own meaning behind the story.


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