Wednesday 27 August 2014

Breathe Review

Breathe by Elena Dillon  

“Most days I can almost forget someone murdered my sister.”    

Jasmine and her family are trying to move on from her sister’s death but that’s near impossible when the murder’s roaming free.

The story starts off with Jasmine and her family moving to a new place for a fresh start.  Because of everything with her sister and the murder, Jas suffers from anxiety attacks and faints a lot. So when she’s at Walmart and she faints she’s caught by a handsome stranger called Easton. This kicks off her new start. Jasmine starts school, makes a bunch of new friends and gets a boyfriend.  

Everything was just too perfect. After two years of being anti social she automatically makes a tight friendship group of 4 girls and after being paranoid of strangers she meets one hot guy and she’s getting involved with him. And Easton was just too much; he was the perfect gentleman, caring and understanding and it was so annoying how perfect everybody was.

Though luckily Easton wasn’t a bad boy that would be worse, Jasmine wasn’t annoying at times she was oblivious to her looks but she was smart and strong, I loved the relationship between Jasmine and her family and Easton and his.

What Jasmine goes through is horrible and when she’s forced to put her family through the same thing she knows she won’t go down without a fight. It was interesting when we saw Jasmine go through what her sister went through and how it affects everybody around her. When Jasmine activates her plan she doesn’t count on how many people care about her life also because Jasmine knows about what happened to her sister she creates a plan and it’s sad to know how her sister could have done the same but no one expects for this to happen and what to do when you’re getting blackmailed.

There could have been more mystery to the novel because it focused too much on the romance and by focusing more on the mystery we could have had more insight on the murder’s character. Although the action near the end was really well written and exciting.

The ending was wrapped nicely with the letters though it would have been better if the sister was mentioned.


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